The songs available on this site have good quality and streaming. The name itself tells that it entails public domain music.is the website where you can download full-length albums free.The site has a great feature where you can find songs on sort of release date which made it intelligent site. The site has a huge database and each song has its own page.It has multiple categories which allow users to download full albums free without any difficulty.This site is very easy to use because you can search in this site using tags related to songs, artists, albums, genres and tracks and can download the desired ones for free. In some wesites, it is difficult to find for your favourite albums.is another famous site to search for albums to download for free.Every user has to login to the site to download full albums free. If you want to make money by your songs and albums then you have to go for license services.This site also has an amazing feature where you can listen to songs online.The website has an amazing feature Discover Tool, where you can search for all the music by artist, album, track, genre, instrument, mood, theme.Jamendo site is free of cost and can download albums anytime.This site has a plenty of albums from latest to trending ones. is the best site to download full albums free.But the problem with this site is you cannot download the full album you have to download individual songs from a collection of albums.

You have to search for the genre and the songs of old classics will be found.

The website has several sound patches and instrumental music.FreeSound has a huge collection of sound patches and samples music. is one of the top website for downloading full albums for free.